The Growing Impact of AI on Business

digital imagery representing artificial intelligence
Category: Industry Insights

By Matt Rowley
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If you spend any amount of time paying attention to the news in 2023, you probably already know about the continued emergence of artificial intelligence technology, or AI. The sophistication of data gathering, storage, and automated analysis has led to major breakthroughs, allowing AI developers to create new tools that simulate the decision-making processes of a human mind, sometimes based on billions of data sources.

What isn’t as clear, even to AI supporters, is exactly how this technology will change the way we live and work, both for good and bad. For every proposed benefit of AI in business, there are many questions, particularly for those who worry that AI could replace them or make their jobs obsolete. There is also concern from business leaders that technological advancements may outpace the human capacity to refine it; a shortage of qualified AI engineers and technologists can make adoption much more difficult.

The evolving role of artificial intelligence in business has added new layers of uncertainty – and new opportunities – for working professionals in information technology and elsewhere. To inform and maybe even ease some anxiety, we’ve outlined four ways that AI is already changing modern business.

1. Automating Repetitive Processes

Many business processes have repetitive elements, making the increased adoption of AI a welcome one for managers and employees. AI-assisted tools can help organizations avoid complacency in workers, bringing the more engaging and important work to the fore while allowing AI to handle repetitive tasks.

For example, health care is a sector with plenty of high-volume, repetitive tasks. AI use cases in health care can include tools that assist with revenue cycle management, finance, accounting, supply chain, human resources, IT and more.

2. Learning How to Provide the Right Inputs

Just like any new technology, AI is only helpful when we know how to use it. Despite the title, modern AI is not something that thinks on its own without human input. Anyone using AI at work must learn new ways to interact with it; getting the desired output requires the correct input.

For many, this means more on-the-job training, perhaps more technical than many of the skills associated with business administration or other disciplines. Just like we all learned how to use search engines to access information online, we’ll learn new ways of structuring written, verbal and numeric inputs to generate the desired outcomes from AI applications.

3. Cybersecurity Will Change and Grow

The benefits of AI to cybersecurity are obvious; having a powerful processing tool which continually monitors for security threats and adapts to them in real time can significantly limit the risks of data theft, ransomware, and other forms of digital crime. However, it also provides many new challenges, as there will need to be new ways to account for AI-augmented threats which can simulate human interaction, rapidly brute force password checks, and scrape public data to identify weak points.

What will this mean for those working in cybersecurity? There is reason to believe that AI may expand the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals, even as it automates rudimentary security processes.

4. AI is Already Here

Finally, it’s worth noting that many AI technologies are simply more sophisticated versions of applications we already know and use. Machine learning tools can help us find new shows to watch, interact with voice assistants like Alexa or Siri, and plan our drive to work.

There is plenty of work to be done before many of these technologies can operate at an industrial scale. Finding ways to successfully integrate AI technology into business processes at large will be the next great challenge for many.

Education in Business and Information Technology

Here at Columbia Southern University, our online academic degree programs in business, information technology and more prepare students to face modern challenges in the workplace, including how to approach AI. To learn more, here’s a sample of some of our degree programs:

For more information about all of our online degree programs in business information technology and elsewhere, visit our website.

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