Industry Insights

CSU graduates and faculty are innovators in their career fields. The articles in this section include insights, trends and best practices in the various industries that we know and teach.

  • four health care professionals shown from their neck up and smiling for the camera

    Category: Industry Insights


    What is Community Health?

    Over the last decade, more and more people in the United States have started to receive a form of health care known as “community health,” which is typically offered free at the point of service or for a small fee. In this article, we outline some of the key characteristics of community health, as well as the major benefits it can offer.

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  • emergency management professionals, including one wearing a hazmat suit, standing in a circle and talking

    Category: Industry Insights


    Future Challenges for Emergency Management

    Emergency managers prepare for as many contingencies as possible, so researching emerging issues is a worthwhile undertaking. In this article, we explore three of the future challenges for emergency management in 2024 and beyond.

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