The information below represents the estimated cost of attendance for CSU students.

Federal regulations require the Office of Financial Aid to estimate the cost of attendance for students receiving Federal Student Aid. The direct cost associated with all of the estimates below include Tuition, Technology Fees, and the Graduation Fee (where applicable).

CSU provides course materials for all courses as part of the student's tuition and fees. The course material may vary from course to course and may be in the form of electronic textbooks (eTextbooks), Integrated Learning Resources (ILR) or printed textbooks. Indirect costs are estimated for food and housing and personal/miscellaneous expenses, along with Student Loan Origination Fees. These figures are based on a national average and may not meet the actual living expenses of all students.

CSU encourages students to carefully consider the amount of student loans borrowed in excess of direct costs. Unlike scholarships and grants, student loans must be repaid, with interest.

The estimates below are based on enrollment status and the student’s expected housing arrangements as determined by their dependency on military status. Housing costs may vary substantially depending on the student geographic location. CSU is a completely online University and does not provide on campus housing.

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance

Undergraduate Half-Time (12 credit hours/36 weeks of instruction)
Undergraduate Full-Time (24 credit hours/36 weeks of instruction)
Item Living with Parent / Active-Duty Military Off-Campus
Tuition1 $2,963 Half-Time
$5,944 Full-Time
$2,963 Half-Time
$5,944 Full-Time
Food & Housing2 $2,864 $9,548
Personal Expenses $6,192 $6,192
Technology Fees3 $140 Half-Time
$280 Full Time
$140 Half-Time
$280 Full-Time
Total $12,159 Half-Time
$15,280 Full-Time
$18,843 Half-Time
$21,964 Full-Time
Master’s Full-Time (12 semester hours/36 weeks of instruction)
Item Off-Campus
Tuition1 $3,756
Food & Housing2 $2,864 Active-Duty Military/$9,548
Personal Expenses $6,192
Technology Fees3 $180
Total $12,992 Active-Duty Military/$19,676
Doctorate Full-Time (12 semester hours/36 weeks of instruction)
Item Off-Campus
Tuition1 $5,248
Food & Housing2 $2,864 Active-Duty Military/$9,548
Personal Expenses $6,192
Technology Fees3 $240
Total4 $14,544 Active-Duty Military/$21,228


  1. Spouses or dependents of active-duty military members receive a 10% tuition discount. CSU Learning Partners receive a 10% tuition discount. The tuition rate for associate, bachelor’s and master’s courses is $250 per credit hour for all active-duty military members using tuition assistance. Back to Tuition
  2. Students (and spouses/dependents) receiving a military Base Allowance for Housing (BAH) are not eligible to receive funding for Housing when determining the amount of financial aid they are eligible to receive. Food & Housing
  3. Total cost of Technology Fees is determined by the number of credit hours the student enrolls into during the Term. Students that are Active Duty Military will have their Technology Fees waived. Back to Technology Fees
  4. The loan origination fee is based on an average. The actual fees will depend on the amount of loans borrowed. Back to Loan Origination Fee
  5. PLUS Loan Origination Fees will apply only to those students using Parent or Graduate PLUS Loans. Back to Loan Origination Fees
  6. The Graduation Fee is a one-time fee charged when a student submits a petition to graduate. Back to Graduation Fee